(8 posts)

Italian Restaurant App built with MERN stack

I have put together a number of features to create a functional system for the smooth running of a restaurant. The app has multiple features including food delivery system with the option to collect the order in person.

Fun To-Do List: jQuery UI practice

How does it work? You can create new tasks, drag and move them across all days of the week. You can also delete them by dragging and dropping them onto the rubbish bin icon.

DOM Manipulation

DOM stands for Document Object Model. We can change and modify the content of our web document (which is simply the website displayed in the browser) through JavaScript code, without making any changes to our .html file.

Notes on SASS

SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a preprocessor scripting language that needs to be compiled into CSS in order to work, as the browser will not understand its syntax. As we read on Sass website, it's "CSS with superpowers. Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world.".

Welcome to one of my Projects

This is a website that was created as a result of a technical challenge